Circle of Compassion


Translated variably from the German, Gemeinschaftsgefuehl can mean community feeling, social interest, social feeling or social sense.


“And since true happiness is inseparable from the feeling of giving, it is clear that a social person is much closer to happiness than the isolated person striving for superiority. Individual Psychology has very clearly pointed out that everyone who is deeply unhappy, the neurotic and the desolate person stem from among those who were deprived in their younger years of being able to develop the feeling of community, the courage, the optimism, and the self-confidence that comes directly from the sense of belonging. This sense of belonging that cannot be denied anyone, against which there are no arguments, can only be won by being involved, by cooperating, and experiencing, and by being useful to others. Out of this emerges a lasting, genuine feeling of worthiness. ” (From a new translation of “Individual Psychology,” Einführung in die neuere Psychologie, 1926, in the AAINW/ATP Archives.)