Interest: Technology

When I was a kid I desperately wanted to buy the Timex 100 Home Computer kid, but I could just not afford it. The first time I actually used a computer I sensed the magic. I was not sure what that magic was, but I knew it was there.

The first computer I bought was a used mac clone from a student. It had an orange screen. I think I used mostly for word processing. A few years alter I bought a used laptop. It had two hard floppy disk drives. I became quite good at using wordperfect as a result.

Then I graduated and bought myself a mac laptop: A powerbook 170. This was state of the art computer that cost more than my car. No kidding.

And I disocvered the internet in the form of freenet.

Fast forward a few years. I have created some fairly widely read blogs and websites.

I continue to read about technology most days, especially mac products. Perhaps I am a apple fanboy